Zycus Infotech is one of the world’s largest providers of procurement software and they are based right out of India.
The brand needs to communicate with both external and internal audiences.
In fact, in the world of IT, attrition rates are as high as 50% and young techies with dreams in their eyes are hardly able to differentiate between the large IT brands.
Tailor helped Zycus develop recruitment campaigns for their Mumbai office. The campaign used the Metro railway as a vehicle to inspire young software engineers and managers.
For external audiences, Tailor helped Zycus launch ATL campaigns for their US and European operations. These campaigns targeted high flyers and decision-makers using Chicago and Atlanta International Airport.
These campaigns were led by billboards and urged decision-makers to upgrade for the future, which is never far away, maybe just around the corner
By getting higher mind share, these campaigns created the ground for their sales team to close many high-ticket deals.